Pasture, Rangeland, Forage, and Apiculture Rainfall Index

This risk management tool insures against widespread loss of production of the insured crop in a designated area called a grid. Coverage is based on the experience of a grid rather than individual farms.

Coverage under the Pasture, Rangland, and Forage (PRF) program is available for two crop types: Grazing and Haying. Coverage under Apiculture (API) is available under the No Type Specified (997) crop type. Losses are paid when the grid’s accumulated index, known as the final grid index, falls below the insured’s trigger grid index.

The program does not provide hail and fire exclusion, high-risk land, late planting, replant requirements, replanting payments, prevented planting or experience adjust­ment factor payments.

Available in the 48 contiguous states.

Lack of precipitation is the only cause of loss covered by Rainfall Index.

Levels of Coverage and Productivity Factors

The grower selects a different coverage level and productivity factor for each of the insured crop types in the county.

The expected grid index shown on the actuarial documents multiplied by the selected coverage level is the trigger grid index.

Catastrophic (CAT) is not available. Coverage levels are available from 70% to 90%, in 5% increments.

Productivity factors allow individualization of coverage based on the production of the crops produced and may be selected from 60% to 150%, in 1% increments.